A virtual challenge is a distance-based fitness goal where you choose to run, cycle, walk, swim or row over a specific time period determined by you. These challenges are available and open to anyone – regardless of your location or fitness level. The events can easily fit into the busiest schedules. Whether you are training for a marathon, looking for a way to stay in shape or to stay motivated, participating in a virtual challenge is a great way to help you achieve your fitness goals.
Virtual challenges versus virtual races, what’s the difference?
With a virtual challenge, you are in control of your event. You set your deadline and how you want to train. The only person you compete with is yourself.
Some virtual challenges give you a time frame of up to 18 months to complete. So, if you are training for a marathon and looking to get your mileage up – taking part in your challenge can help you succeed.
Virtual races are completed within a particular time frame and often against other competitors. The beauty of a virtual challenge is you go at your own pace and do what is best for you.
So what are the benefits of a virtual challenge?
You can train where you like
There are no geographic constraints of where you can train for doing a virtual challenge. Most people like flexibility in their lives. If you fancy running outside one day, that is fine. If you fancy going on a bike ride or a hike, it is entirely up to you! As long you are logging the distance of your workout you are working towards your goals.
You can run at your own pace
If you are training for a marathon or just looking to do your first 5K, it is entirely up to you how you train. Everybody runs and cycles at their own pace, and this is what the virtual challenge is all about. You run your own race!
Make your training and cardio exercise more fun
During the offseason, it can be hard to stay motivated and focused. By having a goal and something to work towards, such as the virtual 90-mile Hadrian’s Wall Challenge or the 21-mile English Channel event, this can help you stay on track with your training and fitness goals.
If you are training for the London Marathon or the New York marathon, you may need to start training six months before the event. Training alone can be a tough and lonely road. By having a virtual challenge to work towards, this can help you stay focused. There are many different distances you can go after, ranging from 21 miles up to 2000 miles plus. So, depending on your goal, there is a challenge that can help you achieve that.
Anybody can take part in a virtual challenge
Virtual challenges are open to all. Regardless of your age and physical ability, anybody can sign up and work towards their own goal. There is a challenge for everyone, and even if you are looking to get into fitness for the first time, a virtual medal event can be a great way to start you on your fitness journey.
Character building
when you challenge yourself and have a deadline, you are more likely to focus on the end goal. If you sign up for a challenge, give yourself a timeline with defined goals, you are more likely to succeed.
Making yourself accountable to reach your goal is an excellent way of forming self-discipline. As you continue your fitness journey with every mile that you log, you will become physically and mentally stronger and, hopefully, enjoy the process of working towards your goals.
Once you have completed your first challenge, you will get a finisher medal. This is a symbol of your achievement and a reminder of the hard work and effort you have put in to reach your goal.
Once you have achieved your first medal, it is most likely that you want to complete a second and third and even a fourth challenge.
Some people sign up for a virtual challenge to lose body fat and lead a better lifestyle. Athletes take part to keep themselves focused during the off-season. Whatever your fitness goal, there is something available for you.
For more information email hello@mudrunlifestyle.com