
About MudRunLifestyle.com

Welcome to MudRunLifestyle.com – a blog that helps people get ready for their first OCR (obstacle course race) event.

My name is James King. I did my first obstacle course race in 2018. As of the time of writing in April 2020, I’m still new to the sport. You may be thinking, so why start a blog? You’re still a rookie!

We must start somewhere. The only thing I wished that I discovered this great sport much earlier!

The first obstacle course event I took part in was Tough Mudder Midlands in May 2018 at Belvoir Castle, Grantham, England.

Since that day, I wanted more. So, I signed up for Europe’s Toughest Mudder! Competitors challenge themselves to do as many 5 mile laps as possible within 12 hours. What made this course even more challenging – it was staged at night!

It’s not just about showing up on the day and taking part. Oh no! When you train for this type of event, you’re buying into a lifestyle choice. On this journey, you learn so much more about yourself!

To explain why I’ve started a blog?

I’m passionate about obstacle course racing. I’ll share with you my personal experiences. Hopefully, this blog can be used to learn from my mistakes and especially if you’re preparing for your first OCR event or mud run.

I’m not a professional athlete, not a doctor, not a personal trainer or a nutritionist. My full-time career in digital marketing helps to keep my blogging skills sharp. So, everything on this blog should be taken as information and certainly not as professional advice.

If you would like to get in touch please, visit my contact page.


James King has competed in multiple OCR events including Europe's Toughest Mudder from 2019 to 2022, multiple mud events, 10k runs and currently for his first marathon. James includes useful tips and experiences about OCR on his blog mudrunlifestyle.com.